Learning Should Be An Adventure
Send Them to School
Are you becoming overwhelmed by how far out of hand things have gotten with your dog? Don't think it can wait another day? Sometimes our dogs unacceptable behaviors seem to escalate overnight. That's because a dog never grows out of a behavior he grows into it. Sometimes we have just lost so much time that our once sweet, fun little puppy has grown into a crazed terrorist. Jumping all over people, running out of the door and to parts unknown for god knows how long, refusing to come to us no matter what we do. Jumping all over us and our guests, tearing our clothing, stealing food from our counters, chewing expensive items, practically dislocating our shoulders when we try to go for walks with them, barking incessantly, relieving himself inappropriately, going after other dogs or worse going after other people.
Sending a dog to For Love of Dogs Boarding School should be no little consideration. For two straight weeks the dog will learn the good manners and good decision making skille needed to be safe and happy in today's human world. The dog will be immediately integrated into PK's home pack where he live with her as one of them(No kennels here) and will learn a fail safe recall, not to barge doors or stairs in or out up or down, how to keep his feet on the ground when greeting anyone and keeping his feet off your counters. He will learn how to walk politely on leash and to tell you when he is uncomfortable in a situation. And most of all he will learn Self-Control in any situation exciting, frightening or otherwise. Each session is designed specifically to meet the needs of the dog as well as your concerns about his future in your home. No more will you have to be your dog's jailer you can move on to being his senior partner.
During the dogs 2 week stay you will be expected to attend 2 classes a week for 2 hours each in order to learn what the dog has in order to make a smooth transition once he returns home to your family.
When it is time for the dog to graduate and return home he will be accompanied by PK to reintroduce him to home life and integrate him and his new education smoothly into your new relationship together.
PK will make a return visit the next week to be sure you are all comfortable with your new relationship of mutual communication, cooperation and respect.
$2,400.00 plus tax and fees for complete package
For more detailed information please contact PK at 262-534-2004 or email her at forloveofdogs@gmail.com