Professionals "Speak"
I first met P.K. Shader through the BridgeandTarget2 forum on the Syn Alia Training Systems website. P.K. was always there to offer help and advice to others that were experiencing training problems. Her grasp of the SATS method is outstanding and therefore she always has an answer for someone.
In October 2005 I organized a SATS seminar here in the UK and was delighted to learn that P.K. was traveling all the way from the US to meet her fellow SATS certified trainers, she had also signed up to attend the horse project over in the Netherlands.
Meeting P.K. has had a dramatic effect on my life. I have always said that Kayce Cover (the founder of the SATS method) has changed my life forever by sending me in another direction, challenging my previous beliefs and by making me trust my instincts. But P.K. has given me the strength to combat my nagging doubts, trust in people's abilities and 'boldly go where no one has gone before'.
Watching P.K. work with dogs, sheep, horses and goats always bought a smile to my face. Her attitude to work is one of happiness, total commitment, faith and success. In fact I was exhausted trying to keep up with her!
The empathy that she shows for the animals that she works with is second to none. P.K. knows exactly what approach to take with an animal within seconds of meeting it; these approaches can be anything from 'softly softly' to 'I'm in charge!' and every stage in between.
P.K has become my pen pal, my mentor but most importantly my true friend.
I look forward to working with her again.
SATS Lay Level 1
Wood Green Animal
Godmanchester Cambridgeshire
Just have to brag a bit. My dog, Solo, and I spent the weekend with PK in Wisconsin. WOW! She's a great coach who brought out the best in both of us. I've been struggling with various issues with him for years. We kept learning and making progress but it seemed so painfully slow I didn't think he'd ever be "normal".
Conditioned relaxation has given us a new lease on life. All things are now possible <VBG>. Solo showed us that he clearly understands "get easy" and was able to choose to do a picture perfect "easy" for 90 seconds without distraction and then also with some distractions. He put that new skill into practice and was "easy" watching other dogs, "easy" running beside a bike, and "easy" taking a walk with Lika.
The intermediate bridges were a huge help in teaching him to run alongside the bike... something I never dared to try before. I learned to be faster at giving him feedback and he learned to listen to me in a way he never really did before. I knew he loved me but now I feel like he respects me and trusts me too.
On the drive home another dog at the rest area barely made a blip on his radar once I reminded him to "be easy". In the past this would have been a big pain (literally) for both of us. He's managed himself in several situations at home that were common trouble spots for us.
It was challenging for me to get "tough" with my voice, give him clear information, and sharpen up my timing, but the reward was phenomenal.
He now has the ability to self-manage his emotions and participate more fully in life. I feel free to enjoy life with him without constantly attempting to manage him.
Kayce - Thanks for SATS... it rocks! PK - Thanks for bringing it into focus for us. You're EXcellent ;-)
Cricket Mara & Solo the
wonder dog
The Pawsitive Dog,
Bringing Harmony to Life... One Relationship at a Time!
OK, it's official: PK ROCKS!
Mika-Moo and Sadie Ann (English Shepherds) danced the EXcellent dance with PK, LeAnn Spencer, and I this past weekend. We spent the weekend at PK's and worked SATS magic on the dogs (and, dare I say, each other???). When we arrived we had dogs that 'sorta' had a handle on life---when we left, we had dogs that truly overcame their apprehensions with us as handlers. LeAnn and I were both shocked and thrilled (all in the best sense) at what PK was able to coach us through---and at the incredible potential both the dogs and we have via SATS. PK is so patient and clear in her explanations and demonstrations---and determined as a terrier after a rat---pun inuended---to see us "get it". Well, we "got it" and now we are using it.
I have to say, PK worked our butts off---but it was MORE than worth it. LeAnn, Eileen (another student of PK's), and I all met at Agility class this evening and we X'd our ways through class, worked a little conditioned relaxation and had a fantastic time.
Kayce---PK was able to really able to help me get a grip on the whole Michigan experience. She is a supergreat coach/teacher and I am SO thankful that you pointed her out and paired me up with her. She is a great representative of your method---and having such easy access to her (I am in the Chicago area---she is just over the border in Wisconsin) is a blessing. LeAnn and I will be travelling up again for fine tuning and furthering our EXploration of this wonderful method.
Now that I have rambled---PK---Mika was great at class tonight. She was able to 'get easy' very nicely around the other dogs coming in close proximity. What a gift! Thanks!
Wishing you all an EXcellent evening, right HERE on TARGET! LOL!
PS to PK: Sadie is giving the sweetest automatic 'paw' to me when I move as though I am going to pet her on the head---too, too, cool!
Mary Ramsden and
Holy Sit Summit,
I have met and worked with P.K. Shader at Wood Green Animal Shelter in Godmanchester Cambridgeshire, England in October of 2005 and later at the National Center for Horses for the Handicapped in Arnhem, Holland. After assisting on a SATS seminar we worked at a project with the horses of the NCPG. I have found PK to be an inspirational trainer, both for humans as for animals. In her very enthusiastic and driven approach she is a real joy to work with. She seems to be convinced that her animal or human students will accomplish their training tasks and I have seen her being right on that part over and over again. PK seems to make the impossible possible and I am proud to count her as a fellow trainer. I am really hoping for an opportunity to work with her again in the near future.
Gedragstherapeut voor dieren,
SATSLL1, SATS Mentor, Alpha lidnr 1225
When I first met P. K. Shader it was at a SATS seminar in October 2005, which was hosted by Kayce Cover the founder of the SATS method, it was held at Wood Green Animal Shelters in England. It was really enjoyable to get together with certified trainers and hear about their experiences with training animals the SATS way and how it has changed our lives as well as the animal's lives. I found PK to have a lot of knowledge in animal training, and also good communication skills with people, and was very helpful to everyone.
I then traveled to the Netherlands for another SATS seminar and worked with P.K for a few days, I found her enthusiasm and commitment to train animals was outstanding and she could get them to respond to her very well regardless of whether the animal was nervous or confident.
I found that P.K has a natural ability to instruct people on how to train animals, and to keep their interest in how the method works, and also to make it entertaining for them so that people will remember more and have an enjoyable time. P.K also gives them a lot of encouragement if they are struggling and has a lot of patience to get people to understand. I found her to be confident in her approach, and her helpfulness is second to none
I really enjoyed working with P.K and have a lot of respect for her knowledge and her abilities, she just has the natural ability to inspire people, and I have learnt a lot with her about how to teach people.
Deputy Head of the Dog
Wood Green Animal Shelters
Godmanchester Chambridgeshire,
It truly was a pleasure soaking up a small percentage of
your expertise.
Last night we went to the pet store and bought some
Solid Gold Millennium. You were right, no corn, no preservatives. They did
not have the Wellness brand there. Price was the same a Nutro, but Nutro
has corn as the first ingredient and preservatives too. So we have
Went out and got some liver, and will be cooking it up this
Played with the dogs and 4 tennis balls for about a half
hour this morning and after that they took a nap. When we were done
playing I used the Bridge technique with my 2 fingers as you showed me
with the command come (to get him back into the house), also using the
intermediate bridge and terminal bridge. It worked like a charm. SOOOO
After his nap he got a little out of hand and was being
aggressive with Oscar so Tamy and I put him in the kitchen, put on our
coats on and took Oscar and Kayla for a walk, going out the side door so
that Lucky could see us leave. When we came back about and hour later, he
was very nice to everyone again.
I printed out the descriptions of
the bridge technique from the web site for myself to study too.
next challenge is to see if I can use the bridge to teach him t go up the
stairs. I will let you know when I have succeeded.
You are at the top
of my list when anyone needs advice about a dog with behavior
On Behalf of Minnesota Wisconsin Collie Rescue and myself I
offer a very sincere THANK YOU for your most generous assistance with
Lucky. With time and effort I know that we will be able to help him with
his fear aggression issues and transform him into the wonderful Collie
that is just begging to be let out.
If MWCR can ever be of assistance to you we will be here to
extend our helping hand to you.
President of Minnesota
Wisconsin Collie Rescue
Side Bar: Lucky started
out a biter but is now an official ambassador for MW Collie Rescue and may
be seen at all functions in the company of children and any other humans
who need a good canine hug.
Just looking at Synalia website and came across your details. Been meaning to mail you and thank you for your input at Wood Green
recently. It was great meeting with you and being able to learn from your
specific experience with SATS and dogs. I don't think I was the only one
who will be for ever grateful for your input on conditioned relaxation and
the fact that the dog should be "made" to do it if necessary in the first
Hope you enjoyed the NL and had a safe journey back home to
the US.
Thanks Again
Taylor Dip CABT (Coape)
Member of the Association of
Pet Dog Trainers No 00652
LL1 Certified SATS
People seem to totally miss how incredibly prepared for
learning very young puppies are. Why let a dog grow up thinking life works
one way only to try to convince it otherwise once it's a mature animal and
more resistant to change and generally less open minded? A dog can be
trained at any age but a puppy is learning whether you intentionally are
teaching or not. SATS give such a great opportunity to develop a
communication system with no down side for a puppy and can be a great tool
for creating mental suppleness in an animal.
I like your thinking about
your puppies. I hope the people you share that with know how lucky they
are to be exposed to such thinking.
Mark McCabe
Maryland Center for Canine
I admire and respect PK Shader's work with dogs. Not only do
I highly recommend PK, I also seek her advice on a regular basis. Whenever
I have a training challenge, I know I can go to PK for help. Her
experience and knowledge have been invaluable to me over the years. Her
ability to understand dogs is inspirational. Her understanding of dog and
human dynamics is remarkable and her ability to empower owners is truly
If you have the opportunity to work with PK, count
yourself lucky and by all means, TAKE IT!
CPDT, CSATS LL1, Named one of
Atlanta's best trainers Atlanta Magazine, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Owner Beastie
PK did an outstanding job in the Netherlands, where I had the opportunity to observe her.
Innovator of the SATS System
of Training
I also had a problem with it (cr) and I also was at the
seminar on Sunday and at the previous seminar in Holland. After the
seminar PK explained everything in detail with Sue as her demo dog.
The mistake I made was IB and TB a conditioned flat and not the
relaxation. After the flat is on cue, you have to wait for relaxed
muscles, breathing, and flat ears and then start the IB for the
relaxation. I was struggling for 6 months with this and after PK's demo it
only took 3 sessions. I promised to capture it on tape but the dog got it
so fast that he did it before I could film it from the beginning. I tried
it Sunday in my camping car (sorry PK , she told me to wait till I got
home) and when I got home I gave it another try, the next day he did it on
cue. It is not perfect yet so I'll try to put it on tape tomorrow with
some distraction.
Thank you. thank you...thank you....! You are the best! Catchyalaterbye
Alan Turner
Certified Companion Animal
Behavior Counselor, Canine Specialization (Canine Behavior Counselor
(CBC)) 2003 Member Association of Companion Animal Behavior Counselors
(ACABC)|Certified Pet Dog Trainer (CPDT) 2003 Member - Association of
Pet Dog Trainers (APDT)|Lay Level 1 Certification (SATS LL1)2005 - Syn
Alia Training Systems (SATS)
How's Bentley Training Center, Tennessee
WOW, it's official: PK ROCKS!
Mika-Moo and Sadie Ann (English Shepherds) danced the EXcellent dance with
PK, LeAnn Spencer, and I this past weekend. We spent the weekend at PK's
and worked SATZ magic on the dogs (and, dare I say, each other???). When
we arrived we had dogs that 'sorta' had a handle on life---when we left,
we had dogs that truly overcame their apprehensions with us as handlers.
LeAnn and I were both shocked and thrilled (all in the best sense) at what
PK was able to coach us through---and at the incredible potential both the
dogs and we have via SATS. PK is so patient and clear in her explanations
and demonstrations---and determined as a terrier after a rat---pun
intended---to see us "get it". Well, we "got it" and now we are using it I
have to say, PK worked our butts off---but it was MORE than worth it.
LeAnn, Eileen (another student of PK's), and I all met at Agility class
this evening and we X'd our ways through class, worked a little
conditioned relaxation and had a fantastic time. What a gift! Thanks!
Master Chaplin for the
Illinois State Police
DBA Holy Sit, Summit
brilliant. absolutely brilliant. thank you for continuing to share what
you know. you are the most brilliant animal teacher i have ever met.
do me a favor. go outside, get quiet, and say outloud: if i or any of my
ancestors has ever taken a vow of silence or anonymity for safety or
any other reason, I am now breaking that vow and my voice will be heard.
My voice will be heard. My voice will be heard.
i trusted my dog yesterday. introduced her to huckleberry. she was
brilliant. then it just so happened another dog was waiting for us on
the other side of the truck. she was brilliant with her as well. she
corrected bad behavior in the other dog without going over the top, for
the first time i can remember. she then told me when she wanted to get
in the truck, that she'd had enough. of course i listened. this morning
she came to field but choose to stay in truck most of the time. i let
Suzanne Nelson
TTouch Level 2
Cozi Farm, North Carolina
Letters from Camp
Light the Fire
With For Love of Dogs, PK and SATZ!